These are more powerful versions of the already existing mod kits, with the drawback that the boosts they provide are time limited. We are expanding the ways you can modify your weapons and armor with the addition of weapon oils.

Test them out, see how you like it, and let us know how it works in the comments below! The difference is that the light attacks will plant your feet instead of pushing you forward. The light attack combo chain is now a series of poke attacks like the heavy attacks. It’s no longer a crowd control weapon and has been reworked into a weapon that’s more effective in close quarters against a single enemy. The two-handed Pikes are probably getting the biggest change of the bunch.The full set of heavy attacks damages a wide area and can be quite effective when surrounded by several enemies.

The overhead smash attack can now be found on the CTRL key (meaning we’ve removed the kick for this weapon), and the opening of a Heavy attack combo is now a big, 180 degree, horizontal slash. Great Swords have been tuned to be more effective against crowds.The new finisher has less range, but there’s less chance of overextending and going past your enemy. Instead of a leap forward, the finishing move is now a simple horizontal forward slash. Longswords have been made more refined, by giving them a longer “linger window” between each attack, and a new finishing animation in the Heavy attack combo chain.