Although Hemera is one of the lesser known ancient Greek gods she played an important role in the Greek Gods family tree. The family members and genealogy of this primordial goddess can be established via the Greek gods family tree, providing an overview of the relationships between Hemera and the principle Greek gods and goddesses. The Family of Hemera - Greek Gods Family Tree and Genealogy The following Ancient Gods Family Tree details and clarifies the relationship between Hemera and the first primordial generations of gods and goddesses. The sea-gods were born from her union with Pontus (the sea). The Titans were born from her union with Uranus. Gaia - Gaia was the great earth mother.The sea-gods were born from his union with Gaia. Pontus was the primordial deity who was associated with the sea.Eros - Eros was the god of procreation, a primordial deity responsible for the union between Gaia and Uranus whose children were the Titans.It is believed that Hemera und Aether were bringing light to the world. Also, the mythology says that Aether’s sister was the goddeess Hemera and her name means day. The name of Aether’s father was Erebus, who was the god of shadows and darkness. Tartarus - Tartarus was associated with the abyss used as a dungeon of torment that resides beneath the underworld She was considered to be the dark goddess of the ancient Greece.Each dynasty of ancient Greek Gods overthrew the previous generation. Well, there are a couple good looking fan ducts available, but if you check their performance with testprints or the trusty bowl-of-water method, you can easily spot their weakness. Aether and Hemera eventually supplanted their parents to become the most powerful of the primordial gods. Ever since I held the first Hemera in my hands at that time, it was called Hermes I’ve been missing a properly working fan duct. The primordial goddess Hemera was worshipped as the goddess of the day and was the consort of her brother Aether.